The Dangers of Using Social Media During a Divorce

Navigating a divorce is challenging, and adding social media to the mix can make it even worse. Many individuals believe posting updates and sharing their feelings online provides relief, but this belief is misleading. Social media posts can be used against you, making something that was meant to soothe become a weapon.

Here is a broad overview of the problems social media can cause in a divorce, along with best practices for dealing with these issues.


In the midst of a divorce, emotions can run high, and the urge to share your side of the story on social media might feel irresistible. However, divulging too much personal information online can have serious repercussions.

Social media platforms are public spaces, and anything shared can be potentially seen by anyone, including legal adversaries. Personal posts, photos, or check-ins can inadvertently reveal more than intended, providing a wealth of information that could be used against you in court. This information can paint a picture of your lifestyle, spending habits, and even your parenting style, all of which could influence the outcome of your divorce proceedings.

Security Concerns

With tensions running high, there's an increased risk of an ex-spouse attempting to access or impersonate your accounts. This practice could lead to unauthorized sharing of private conversations, photos, or information that could damage your reputation or legal standing.

During a divorce, take steps to secure your accounts, such as updating passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. Doing so increases security. Remember, in the digital age, your online presence is an extension of your real-life persona, and protecting it should be a top priority during a divorce.

Evidence in Divorce Proceedings

Social media posts can turn into digital evidence in divorce cases. Courts have increasingly accepted social media content when determining the outcomes of divorce settlements and custody battles. A seemingly innocent post can be interpreted in various ways, and it could undermine your credibility or contradict statements made during legal proceedings. For instance, a picture of a new car or an exotic vacation might be used to challenge claims of financial hardship.

Impact on Alimony and Child Support

Social media can play a pivotal role in the financial aspects of a divorce. Courts can consider evidence from social media when assessing an individual's financial status or lifestyle. For example, posts that suggest a lavish lifestyle or significant spending can influence the court's view on one's ability to pay or receive support. Social media evidence has led to the reassessment of financial obligations. Make sure you present an accurate and consistent picture of your financial situation both online and offline.

Amplifying Negative Emotions

Divorce is an emotionally charged process, and social media can act as a catalyst for negative feelings. Scrolling through feeds filled with happy moments of friends and family can intensify feelings of loss and isolation. Moreover, seeing an ex-spouse's posts can provoke anger, jealousy, or sadness, impeding the emotional healing process.

Social Media as a Source of Conflict

Interactions on social media platforms are ripe for misinterpretation, especially during the heightened sensitivity of a divorce. A comment or 'like' can be blown out of proportion, leading to further disputes and misunderstandings. It is common for social media activity to reignite arguments or create new points of contention between divorcing parties.

Children's Exposure to Divorce Conflict

Children can inadvertently be caught in the crossfire of their parents' divorce, and social media can exacerbate this exposure. Posts that express frustration or resentment towards the other parent can be seen by children, affecting their emotional well-being and perception of the family dynamic.

Always consider the potential impact of your social media activity on your children and shield them from any online expressions of conflict or animosity. Maintaining a neutral and respectful online presence can help minimize the emotional burden on children during this challenging time.

Extended Family and Mutual Connections

The ripple effects of divorce extend beyond the immediate family, impacting mutual friends and extended family members connected on social media. These individuals can be placed in awkward positions if they witness a divorce unfolding on their feeds.

Stay aware of the broader social network and avoid putting mutual connections in the middle of personal disputes.

Best Practices for Social Media Use During Divorce

When going through a divorce, take the time to reevaluate your social media habits and adjust your privacy settings accordingly. Limiting who can see your posts, being selective about friend requests, and thinking twice before sharing can help protect your privacy.

It's also beneficial to set personal boundaries regarding the content you engage with and share. Refraining from posting about your divorce, your ex-spouse, or anything that could be misconstrued is a prudent practice. By taking these steps, you can maintain a level of control over your online presence during this vulnerable time.

Orshan, Spann & Fernandez-Mesa can help guide your steps in a divorce. We know the best ways to protect yourself from legal entanglements. To meet with our team of attorneys, you can call our office at (305) 853-9161 or contact us online.
